Flex Tax and Consulting Group (FTCG)

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Although nearly 200 million Americans file tax returns every year, not everyone has to. But new tax laws and other filing requirements may have changed. Whether some of these citizens who haven’t had to file before legally require to file a tax return now. Previously, your age, income level, and filing status (married, single, etc.) determined whether you need to file a tax return. But now there are more factors involve, including types of income, dependents, health care coverage, and tax refund eligibility. So if you’re wondering “Do I have to file taxes?” here are four situations where you should or legally have to file a tax return.


Earning More Than the Minimum Income Requirement

The IRS doesn’t tax income that is equal to or less than the amount of the standard deduction. Tax-exempt income is not include in this calculation. So if you don’t earn more in annual income than the standard deduction. And you aren’t claim as a dependent by another taxpayer, then you don’t have to file a tax return. As an example, if you’re single, younger than 65, and earn at least $12,000, the total of the tax year 2018 standard deduction for a single taxpayer. You must file a tax return. A free, simple-to-use tax calculatorcan help determine the need to file a tax return for other individual scenarios. The IRS also lists the minimum income requirement amounts to file a tax return on page 2 of Publication 501.


Dependents Earning Income

No matter whether they’re an adult or a child, those claimed as a dependent by a taxpayer on a separate tax return held to different IRS filing requirements. Because a dependent cannot claim their own exemption, when their earned income is more than the standard deduction for a single taxpayer, which in tax year 2018 is $12,000, then they required to file a tax return. But when the dependent’s income unearned, such as from interest or stock dividends, the minimum income requirement to file drops to above $1,050.


Affordable Care Act (ACA) Subsidies

For a qualifying individual to receive their tax subsidy for purchased health insurance coverage under ACA, they required to provide their income level. The government verifies this income information via the individual’s federal tax return. Even if you have never filed a tax return before, which may be the case if you didn’t make enough money, you may requir to file one to receive a tax subsidy for health insurance.


Getting Tax Refund

If you’re earning a paycheck and excessive federal taxes are being withheld, you need to file a tax return to get your refund. So let’s say you’re a single taxpayer earning $5,000 annually and $600 is being withheld for federal tax. While you are not legally require to file a tax return because you earned less than the standard deduction ($12,000), you are entitle to a refund of the entire $600. Since the IRS doesn’t issue refunds unless a tax return is filed, if you want your refund, start filing!

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